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Cafepalis roam the valgonni jungle in small herds using their long necks to feed off the trees. They are very passive until something bothers the herd then they attack in full swing. Most creatures leave them be but a few are not intimidated. Cafepalis are used as steeds in some areas of the world.


Hp: 16, Def: -1, Soak: 18, Move: Land 6'/Water 6', APR: 3, CPB: 2, Frequency: Unusual, Quantity: 6-9

Str: +1, Dex: -1, Cha: -4, Int: -7, Wis: -3, Con: -2

Skill Rolls: Sense (+2)

Treasure: Cafepalis Body Plates


Ram, +3 vs Defender

The cafepalis can ram a target at medium range dealing 3d10 damage. Critical ramming causes knockdown to the target.


Tail Whip, +3 vs Defender

The cafepalis can strike a target at close range dealing 3d8 damage. Critical tail whips causes knockdown to the target.


Bite, +3 vs Defender

The cafepalis can bite a target at melee range dealing 3d6 damage. Critical bites cause 1d4 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.


Enraged, Passive Ability

The cafepalis deals + 1d8 damage to all attacks when defending their young.


Falidar Slime


Unfeeling eating machines the falidar sludge eats everything in its path. They originate from sludge pools found in caves deep within the valgonni jungle. Some garbage companies seek them out and capture them for their storage fills. Occasionally the fill systems breakdown and the sludge may escape.


Hp: 24, Def: 0, Soak: 12, Move: Land 4'/Water 6', APR: 3, CPB: 2, Frequency: Unusual, Quantity: 1

Str: -1, Dex: 0, Cha: -9, Int: -7, Wis: -7, Con: -3


Tentacles, +3 vs Defender

The falidar slime can strike targets at melee or close range with their tentacles dealing 3d4 damage.


Drag, +3 vs Defender, Once per Round

The falidar slime can trip a close ranged target and drag them into melee range dealing 3d6 damage + knockdown.




Master craftsmen and hardy warriors, the goraillians live high within the Catacombs of Eavashaw in the city of Phareahda. Rarely do these dwarven people leave their domain and venture into the outside world. Instead most people come to see them, traveling many miles to purchase their wares. The blacksmiths of Phareahda are among the most skilled in the world at armor crafting. While Phareahda is prosperous it is far from a safe place as it suffers nightly attacks from the evdren. Most goraillians wear their armor and weapons whenever they leave their homes and often keep a weapon handy while inside as well. The goraillians have a special kinship with the great bats of Eavashaw and look upon them as revered animals. Etchings and patterns of bats are found on crafted items throughout Phareahda. The Bat Riders of Phareahda fly into the nightly battlefield with crossbows in hand to defend their home. The three kings of Phareahda have stood in battle with their people through countless victories and have yet to lose to the evdren.


Hp: 60, Def: +3, Soak: 10, Move: Land 6'/Water 4', APR: 5, CPB: 4, Frequency: Unusual, Quantity: 1-5

Str: +3, Dex: +4, Cha: +2, Int: +2, Wis: +3, Con: +3

Skill Rolls: Bartering (+4), Sense (+4), Maintenance, Blacksmith, Mining


Heavy Crossbow, +8 +1d4 vs Defender

The goraillian can shoot a long ranged target dealing 2d10 + 2d4 damage.


2 Handed Battle Axe, +6 +1d4 vs Defender

The goraillian can strike a melee target dealing 2d8 + 2d6 damage.


Defender of Phareahda, Passive Ability

The goraillians gain a use of Defender of Phareahda whenever they lose health. They can have up to 4 stacks of Defender at a time. On a successful attack they can choose to spend one to bypass armor soak rate.


Great Bat of Eavashaw


The great bats of Eavashaw are revered by the goraillians who treat them as equals in their community. Assisting them as their steeds during the nightly battles with the evdren, the great bats dine on the fallen of the battlefield when the sun rises. Like their smaller cousins they are nocturnal and spend much of their days in restful sleep. They also use echolocation to maneuver their way through the Catacombs of Eavashaw which they can use to disorient their prey or enemies.


Hp: 36, Def: +10, Soak: 12, Move: Land 4'/Water 0/ Flight 16', APR: 5, CPB: 4, Frequency: Unusual, Quantity: 1-5

Str: -2, Dex: +5, Cha: 0, Int: +1, Wis: +2, Con: 0

Skill Rolls: Sense (+5), Athletics (+5)


Bite, +7 vs Defender

The great bat can bite a melee target dealing 2d6 damage. Critical Bite causes 1d4 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.


Scratch, +7 vs Defender

The great bat can slash at a melee target dealing 2d4 damage. Critical Scratch causes the target to lose an action.


Shriek, Instant Ability, Once per Battle

The great bat shrieks to terrify a 10’ radius giving all targets decreasing their attacker/defender rolls by 3 for the round.


Mount, Passive Ability

When used as a mount the great bat has a speed of 1 and maneuverability of 5.


Formation, Passive Ability

The great bats grant them and their riders +5 attacker rolls when flanking a target. The great bats also bypass armor when flanking a target.




The kaputria are little known to most of the world. Nocturnal by biology the sunlight completely blinds them and if out in it to long they go into a coma. They rely on echolocation to traverse the world. When they feel threatened they unleash a shriek to attract help. They are often found in the lower sections of the cities running small sidewalk and back alley shops. Kaputria have a knack for finding rare items and their shops often contain a few of these.


Hp: 9, Def: +3, Soak: 9, Move: Land 4'/Water 4', APR: 2, CPB: 1, Frequency: Unusual, Quantity: 1-6

Str: -2, Dex: +1, Cha: -3, Int: +1, Wis: 0, Con: -3

Skill Rolls: Sense (+1), Bartering (+1), Appraise, Blind Fight


Bite, -1 vs Defender

The kaputria can bite a melee target dealing 4d4 damage.


Claw, -1 vs Defender

The kaputria can slash a melee target dealing 2d4 damage. Critical Claw causes 1d4 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.


Pump Action Shotgun, +3 vs Defender

The kaputria can shot a long ranged target dealing 2d12 damage + 1d4 bleeding damage.


Shriek, Instant Ability, Once per Battle

The kaputria can shriek causing -1 APR to all within a 10’ radius. If another kaputria is within the Shriek radius it will trigger Shriek from that kaputria as well and the effect is doubled against those within a Shriek crossfire.


Resistances, Passive Ability

The kaputria can be completely blinded by exposure to bright lights causing them to lose an action. They may wear blacked out goggles to avoid this.




Larnious are often mistaken for ghosts. These demons have the ability to walk through solid objects and to nearly disappearing from sight. Larnious can return back close to their previous human form. Their eyes however do not change and most wear dark glasses to cover them hiding their true nature. Larnious often find themselves employed in surveillance work or as thieves given their abilities to sneak around. They also do not bother with heavy armor for their phantom like abilities enable them to dodge many attacks with ease. The larnious also may learn forms of magic.


Hp: 34, Def: +8, Soak: 9, Move: Land 6'/Water 4'/ Phantom Form 8', APR: 5, CPB: 4, Frequency: Unusual, Quantity: 1-2

Str: +2, Dex: +3, Cha: +4, Int: +2, Wis: +2, Con: +1

Skill Rolls: Sense (+4), Bartering (+4), Witchcraft, Alchemy

Treasure: Larnious Soul Orb (Can be used by crafters to add Phantom Form to an armor.)


Semi-Automatic Pistol, +5 vs Defender

The larnious can shot a medium ranged target dealing 2d6 damage.


Dagger, +5 vs Defender

The larnious can strike a melee ranged target dealing 2d4 damage.


Phantom Form, Instant Ability, Once per Round

The larnious can shift into a spirit for 3 actions that can only move and is immune to all attacks except lightning.


Resistances, Passive Ability

The larnious have a weakness to lightning that breaks them out of their Phantom Form. If they come out of Phantom Form within a solid object they can lose a limb or even take fatal damage.




The loyal guards of the Haven of the Watchers, the lycanthropes are extremely strong and agile. Commonly in their human form, they tend to look like they are wearing baggy clothes and are a bit rough but when they transform their bodies fill out the extra space and are considered by many to have a more noble appearance. They make up the majority of the Haven’s Protectors along with many rangers. The lycanthropes rarely leave the Valgonni Jungle expect to escort watchers around the world. They may also have class skills available to them, most commonly fighter and ranger.


Hp: 62, Def: +10, Soak: 14, Move: Land 10'/Water 4', APR: 5, CPB: 4, Frequency: Unusual, Quantity: 1-7

Str: +6, Dex: +6, Cha: +1, Int: +2, Wis: +3, Con: +4

Skill Rolls: Bartering (+4), Sense (+4), Language


Long Sword, +11 vs Defender

The lycanthrope can strike a melee target dealing 2d8 damage + 2d4 two handed damage.


Long Bow, +10 vs Defender

The lycanthrope can shoot a long ranged target dealing 2d10 damage.


Bite, +11 vs Defender

The lycanthrope can bite a melee target dealing 2d12 damage. Critical bites infect the target with their demonic strain and if uncured they may become a lycanthrope at a random later level.


Claw, +11 vs Defender

The lycanthrope can slash a melee target dealing 2d6 damage and 2d4 bleeding damage.


Pounce, +11 vs Defender

The lycanthrope can pounce on a close ranged target dealing 2d8 damage and knocking it down. Critical Pounce causes an instant Bite to the target.


Human Form, Passive Ability

The lycanthrope can shift into human form. While in human form the lycanthrope cannot use Bite, Claw, or Pounce. Physical stats lower to Strength +4, Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Health 50, and while the lycanthrope is in human form but it hides their true power.


Feral Rage, Resource

The lycanthrope starts with 3 Feral Rage that can be spent during their turn to triple their damage dice. They recover 1 per round and 1 per critical attack. They can hold 5 in total at a time.


Resistances, Passive Ability

The lycanthrope has an immunity to poisons and a weakness to silver coated weapons that deal an additional 1d8 damage. Silver projectiles lodge in skin on critical hits dealing damage each round until removed.




The maragroth are miners living in the caves of the saloothian forest. They have the ability to use echolocation which keeps them from being snuck up on in the dark. Outsiders are rarely tolerated in their domain and those caught trespassing are killed on sight. Those that are allowed access are extremely lucky for they get to behold some of the most amazing stonework on the planet. Their domains stretch vastly through the great cave systems deep below the forest. Getting deeper and wider everyday as all the miners constantly carry pickaxes and use them whenever they think they’ve found something. The maragroth also forge their ore into weapons, armor, and stronger pickaxes. Most miners even wield their pickaxes as weapon if they are called upon to fight. The maragroth weapons are nothing special but their armor is extraordinarily durable. Their fighters carry daggers and sometimes handguns modified for their size. They don’t tend to bother with distance because they mostly fight in tight tunnels though the city defenders commonly wield rifles; they are anything but great marksmen. Some maragroth dig too far away from civilization and are driven mad by it. Those individuals strike out at all they see and perform unspeakable acts. Maragroths dislike killing their own and often ask for assistance from others when it comes to having to take care of what they call the nougral. This is a good way to gain the favor of the city and gain access to their domain. Their city beneath the earth is known as Tabira.


Hp: 41, Def: +2, Soak: 12, Move: Land 8'/Water 4', APR: 4, CPB: 3, Frequency: Unusual, Quantity: 1-5

Str: +3, Dex: 0, Cha: -2, Int: -3, Wis: -1, Con: +1

Skill Rolls: Bartering (+3), Blacksmith, Mining, Sense (+3), Language

Treasure: Galaruss Ore


Dagger, +7 vs Defender

The maragroth can strike a melee target dealing 3d4 damage.


Revolver, +3 vs Defender

The maragroth can shot a medium ranged target dealing 3d8 damage.


Pickaxe, +6 vs Defender

The maragroth can strike a melee target dealing 3d8 damage.


Power Strike, Attacker vs Defender

The maragroth can strike a target once a round for weapon damage + 2d12.




The pessaka are giant blind fish with large sharp teeth that are mainly for show. They eat by sensing food near their mouths and taking a big gulp of water pulling the meal into their throat. The coorabuck find them fairly tasty though and have no problem hunting this much slower creature.


Hp: 110, Def: -1, Soak: 40, Move: Water 20', APR: 4, CPB: 3, Frequency: Unusual, Quantity: 3-10

Str: +2, Dex: -3, Cha: 0, Int: 0, Wis: +1, Con: +3

Skill Rolls: Sense (+1d4+3)

Treasure: Pessaka Hide, Pessaka Meat, Pessaka Tusk


Tusk Thrash, +6 vs Defender

The pessaka can strike a melee target dealing 6d6 + 20 damage. Tusk Thrust ignores armor.




The rooca have a three sectioned mouth designed for just one thing, to break open shellfish and eat the treat inside. They hunt along the reefs and seafloor for their meals. Fishermen also look in these areas for rooca, which are a delicacy in many port towns.


Hp: 16, Def: +2, Soak: 3, Move: Water 8', APR: 2, CPB: 1, Frequency: Unusual, Quantity: 1-3

Str: 0, Dex: 0, Cha: -4, Int: -4, Wis: 0, Con: -2

Skill Rolls: Sense (+1)

Treasure: Rooca Meat


Bite, +2 vs Defender

The rooca can bite a melee target dealing 2d6 damage. Critical bites cause 1d4 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.


Drill Spin, +2 vs Defender

The rooca can corkscrew at a close ranged target dealing 2d8 damage. Critical Drill Spin causes 1d4 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.




A species of large humanoid flightless avian, the tu’vacian are great warriors and smiths. The tu’vacian smiths decorate their work with feathers from their last molting. The tu’vacian feathers are used to decorate nearly everything in their culture. The most important item the tu’vacians decorate are their chakzar bracelet worn by adult males. The chakzar contains a feather from both parents showing the longevity of their bloodline to potential mates. If a parent dies unnaturally they are represented by a half feather while a natural death removes the feather. The tu’vacian mate for life and are fiercely loyal family units.


Hp: 29, Def: +4, Soak: 8, Move: Land 8'/Water 4', APR: 3, CPB: 2, Frequency: Unusual, Quantity: 1-3

Str: +3, Dex: +2, Cha: +2, Int: +1, Wis: 0, Con: +1

Skill Rolls: Sense (+2), Culture (+3), Drive, Athletics (+2)


Tu’vacian Bow, +4 vs Defender

The tu’vacian can shot a long ranged target dealing 2d6 damage + 2d6 on Full Draw.


Tu’vacian War Staff, +5 vs Defender

The tu’vacian can strike a melee target dealing 2d8 damage. The war staff gives the user +1 APR against the target on critical.


Talon Roundhouse, +6 vs Defender, Once per Round

The tu’vacian performs a roundhouse causing massive bleeding to a melee target dealing 2d6 + 2d4 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.


Tu'vacian Battle Points, Resource

The tu'vacian are well trained in the combat arts and have 3 battle points at the start of combat. They can spend their battle points to give themselves +2d8 damage to an attack or decrease melee damage taken by 2d12 as a reactive ability. They gain an additional battle points per critical attack.




The watchers are a race of beings that live in harmony with nature. They are rarely ever taken by surprise and are revered as one of the wisest species on the planet. They hunt prey by falling on them dagger first from the trees. Numbering a little over a hundred they live high in the trees. The Haven of the Watchers is their home and it is frequented by various species. The haven is fiercely guarded by lycanthropes who also act as the watcher’s protectors. They still remember their home world of Phallenrune and try to impart the wisdom from it. Teaching the rangers and geomancers of the world about balancing harmony with nature and themselves, the watchers know their survival is unlikely so they wish to spread as much knowledge as they can. Their reproduction rate is very slow though not one of the watchers has died of natural causes so there is much debate about their mortality.


Hp: 47, Def: +9, Soak: 6, Move: Land 6'/Water 4', APR: 5, CPB: 4, Frequency: Unusual, Quantity: 1-5

Str: +3, Dex: +4, Cha: +4, Int: +4, Wis: +5, Con: +3

Skill Rolls: Sense (+4), Bartering (+4), Language, Survival (+4), Stealth (+4)


Dagger of the Watcher, +9 vs Defender

The watcher can strike a melee target dealing 2d4 damage.


Long Bow, +9 vs Defender

The watcher can shoot a long ranged target dealing 2d10 damage.


Watcher's Resolve, Passive Ability

The watcher can bypass armor on 3 attacks per round and is immune to mental impairments.




Wraiths are the spirits of the deceased that have grown to hate the living. They have developed the power to affect the mortal plane and have no fear of attacking any living creature. Some wraiths may take control of the living. Driving them around as someone may drive an automobile. All of them are extremely deadly and desire only the destruction of the living. Wraiths are one species that hunters don’t always earn reputation or earn tarryns. They become an Orb of Cardoos upon death but there is no way to tell if the orb is from a slaying or bought from a mage so it is hard to verify.


Hp: 21, Def: +4, Soak: 8, Move: Flight 8', APR: 2, CPB: 1, Frequency: Unusual, Quantity: 1-5

Str: +4, Dex: +3, Cha: -2, Int: +4, Wis: +2, Con: +2

Treasure: Orb of Cardoos


Claw, +6 vs Defender

The wraith can claw a melee target dealing 1d6 shadow damage.


Shadow Bolt, +5 vs Defender, 1 mp

The wraith can hurl a bolt of 1d6 shadow damage at a medium ranged target.


Shadow Grasp, +5 vs Defender, 3 mp

The wraith can grasp a medium ranged target dealing 1d4 shadow damage and slowing the target for 2 rounds.


Magic Points, Resource

The wraith has 4 magic points at the start of combat and regains 2 per round.


Resistances, Passive Ability

The wraith is immune to all non-magical weapons and attacks. When a wraith is struck by a healing spell it is dealt damage instead.

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