The Peacekeepers are an organization of combat negotiators who work directly for the Orrillian Senate. Each senator has a team of three Peacekeepers assigned to them as guards and are usually hand chosen by the senators. The senators send them to hostile areas to deliver terms, deals, and sometimes as assassins. Senators need to know the mentality of their Peacekeepers as they may make reports against the senator if they feel they are working against Orrillia. Peacekeepers are brought in as recruits from exceptional officers within the different branches of military and law enforcement within Orrillia.
The Peacekeeper recruits are brought to the Rollen Mountains Complex for their training. They are put through rigorous testing to learn and apply their skills to the distinctive Peacekeeper combat style. Wielding their colossal weapons and dual wielding firearms are not the only weapons within their arsenal, their most dangerous weapon is their voice. They go through intense vocal training to gain their commanding presence. As their initial training is nearing completion the trainers access the strengths of the recruit. As they graduate they are placed as agents in positions that gain the most opportunities to use and expand their skills.
Agents are taught through experience how to apply their tactical training. Both with other Peacekeepers and those from other walks of life. There are other agents however that focus on being solo operators. Either way they are trained they shadow and take orders from an experienced Peacekeeper. The agents have regularly scheduled assessments to gauge their advancement. When the agent performs well enough in the assessments and their trainer her felt they have gained enough experience in the field they are promoted to full ranking Peacekeepers.
When they are promoted to Peacekeeper they are given their new assignment based on their strengths. Peacekeepers that have shown they work best in groups of other Peacekeepers are assigned to a trio under the direct charge of a senator. Individuals who have a prowess as commanders are given troops and lead their own tactical response teams. Those who work best in an independent setting are given assignments, mostly outside of Orrillia, to retrieve stolen items and apprehend wanted individuals. No matter their placement the Peacekeepers hold rank over all but the top members of the Orrillian military.
The Peacekeepers are tacticians who trade between being a damage and support class. They grant their allies formation buffs during combat. A Peacekeepers vocal skills aid both in and out of combat and can help to avoid it all together. They wear leather armor to keep themselves lighter on their feet as they swing their massive weapons. The nature of their class background lends to interesting narrative challenges for both the player and the gamemaster.
Role: Defense, Damage, Command, Support, Stealth
Species: Cojaro, Human, Vampire, Grufia, Habataki, Shaross
Professions: Soldier, Mariner, Law Enforcement, Assassin
Suggested Attributes: Strength and Charisma
Health: 8 + Constitution per CPB + Species Health
Starting Armor Proficient: Cloth, Leather
Starting Weapon Proficient: Two Handed Weapons and Firearms
Starting Skills: Bartering and a Combat Style
Starting Equipment
Armor: Cloth
Weapon(s): Two Handed Sword, Battleaxe, or Warhammer, Two Pistols
Equipment: Clothing, 1 Day Ration, Backpack, Canteen, 5 Clips (pistol)
Tarryns: 1d20x10
When they reach CPB 3 they are issued their traditional black and white leather armor.
Reputation or Rep is the source of the Peacekeepers support and command abilities. Rep is equal to charisma + CPB and is replenished out of combat and by 1 when a target with their buff deals a critical attack or a target with their debuff takes a critical attack.
Extreme Conditioning or EC is the source of the Peacekeepers combat abilities and movement. EC is equal to their strength + CPB and is replenished by 1 with a rest action or by performing a critical attack.
Tactical Command, Charisma + CPB vs Range Difficulty
The Peacekeeper commands an ally to take a specified action immediately for 1 Rep. If successful the action has a bonus of 1d4 to succeed on a die roll or 1d4 bonus feet for a movement. Range difficulty is 10 for melee, 15 for close, and 20 for medium.
Colossal Strike, Attack Affix
On a successful attack the Peacekeeper can spend an EC to apply a bonus effect to the attack.
Reposition, Maneuver around to flank the target for your next attack.
Push, Move your target 6' in a chosen direction.
Sweeping, Continue the attack into an adjacent target.
Stunning, Remove an APR from the target.
Dual Marksman, Attacker vs Defender
The Peacekeeper can use an EC to use their dual firearms abilities against targets.
Gun Down, After an attack they can use this attack to make an additional combo attack.
Counter Shot, As a reaction they can attack a target to interrupt their action.
Cyclone Shot, They can fire one of their firearms at a number of in range targets equal to 1d4.
Wounding Shot, Attack a target with weapon damage + 1d6 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.
Negotiator's Tongue, Charisma + CPB vs Wisdom + CPB, Medium Range
The Peacekeeper can use a Rep to apply Berserk, Fear, Charmed, or Confuse on a target for 1d4 actions. They can also use a Rep to gain a 1d4 bonus to Bartering or Sense rolls. A target can only have one Negotiator's Tongue ability on a target at a time.
Formations, Instant Ability
Once per CPB the Peacekeeper can assign formation links between a pair of allies. The links stay active as long as the allies are within medium range of each other. Each link type has their own effect and allies can have multiple formation links applied at a time.
Protection, When a target is infuriated a linked ally their partner has a 1d4 bonus to their defense from the infuriated target.
Support, When linked targets use buff actions on each other the success chance is increased by 1d4.
Damage, Linked targets gain a 1d4 attacker bonus to attacking their partner's last target.
Peacekeeper Mastery
The Peacekeeper's masteries are based around their combat specialties. They add new abilities and additionally options for their basic abilities.
Those Peacekeepers that take up specialist training learn to take advantage of subterfuge. Specialists are more often solo operators than other training groups. Specialists can use a two handed firearm for their Colossal Strike and two one handed melee weapons for their Dual Marksman abilities. They also gain proficient with one handed melee weapons.
Stealth Formation, CPB 1
The specialist can use their formation link to targets to give them a 1d4 bonus to their stealth rolls.
Precision Strike, CPB 2
The specialist gains Precision as an additional Colossal Strike option. Precision allows them to ignore 1d6 armor soak on their attack. On critical or during sneak attack, Precision ignores 2d6 armor soak.
Sneak Conditioning, CPB 3
A specialist gains an EC whenever they succeed on a stealth check or sneak attack.
Distracting Tongue, CPB 4
The specialist gains the ability to throw their voice, using Negotiator's Tongue to distract a target. Distracting Tongue give a 1d4 stealth bonus.
Execution, CPB 5
Whenever the specialist performs a sneak attack they can use up to their CPB to deal 1d6 additional damage per EC.
Vanguard training allows the Peacekeeper to learn to protect their allies. The vanguards impose themselves on the front line to threaten their enemies. The vanguard are trained in Colossal Soak, allowing them to add their melee damage to their soak rate when damaged.
Infuriating Tongue, CPB 1
The vanguard can also use infuriate on their target with their Negotiator's Tongue. When the vanguard strikes their infuriated target they extend the actions infuriated.
Strength of the Peacekeeper, CPB 2
The vanguard can ignore the strength requirements for colossal weapons. While defender link is active on the vanguard their infuriate defense bonus is 2d4.
Intercede, CPB 3
The vanguard can use an EC as a reaction when formation linked ally is attacked, absorbing the damage they would have taken. Intercede gains Colossal Soak but has no defender roll.
Peacekeeper's Bulwark, CPB 4
Whenever the vanguard has left over soak rate from Colossal Soak it is carried over until it is depleted or they are out of combat. The vanguard also gains a roll of Colossal Soak whenever their attacker critical fails.
Vanguard's Resolve, CPB 5
When the vanguard uses Infuriating Tongue, they can use additional Rep up to their CPB to infuriate additional targets per Rep. When they use Colossal Strike for Reposition or Push the distance is doubled.
Peacekeepers who go through training as a general expand their tactical abilities. They have greater control over their formations during battle. General training increases their Tactical Command roll to 1d6.
General Links, Instant Ability, CPB 1
The general gains a bonus amount of formation links to apply to a number of their allies equal to their charisma. General Links lower the range difficulty of their Tactical Commands by 1 per CPB.
Reactive Command, CPB 2
The general can issue a Tactical Command as a reaction for a Rep.
Rally, CPB 3
The general can use a Rep to create or change a number of formation links equal to their CPB once per round.
Marked Tongue, CPB 4
The general can make one of the targets in range the primary focus of their party with Negotiator's Tongue. Attacks against the marked target gain 1d6 attacker roll for all allies with an active General Link and they cannot benefit from stealth while within medium range of the general.
Mental Focus, CPB 5
Whenever the general casts a critical Tactical Command they gain 1d4 Rep. Whenever a Marked Tongue target dies, the general can mark a new target as a reaction for a Rep. The general can also use 2 EC in place of a Rep.
The arbiters are Peacekeepers with intensive training in negotiation. Arbiters use their enhanced negotiation tactics to dismantle their opposition. Arbiter training extends the bonus die to Bartering and Sense to the rest of their Negotiator's Tongue abilities.
Tactical Tongues, CPB 1
The arbiter can use their Tactical Command to apply Negotiator's Tongue statuses to their allies. They also gain Enrage, Enlightened, and Hardened as additional Negotiator's Tongue options for 1d4 actions.
Flourish, CPB 2
The arbiter gains Flourish as a Colossal Strike affix for an EC. Flourish, allows them to gain a bonus 1d4 to their next Negotiator's Tongue ability.
Calming, CPB 3
The arbiter can use a Rep to cleanse a mental status effect from a target either with Tactical Tongues or Negotiator's Tongue.
Press Influence, CPB 4
The arbiter can use an EC to give their Negotiator's Tongue a 1d4 bonus to the roll.
Whispering Strikes, CPB 5
The arbiter can use a Rep to apply a Negotiator's Tongue abilities as a free action after they deal damage.
The Peacekeepers that focus on their melee combat abilities take up partisan training. The partisan uses their reputation to enhance their attacks. With partisan training the Peacekeeper can use their Dual Marksman abilities with their melee weapon.
Wrathful Strike, CPB 1
The partisan gains wrathful as a Colossal Strike affix for 1 EC. Wrathful gives them 1d8 bonus damage to their strike.
Strafe, CPB 2, Instant Ability
The partisan can make a movement to travel up to twice their move for a Rep. During Strafe they can attack one target within weapon range per EC up to their CPB.
Flanking Link, CPB 3
The partisan can create one Flanking Link to an ally. While Flanking Link is active they gain a critical bonus of 1d4 against targets within melee range of their ally.
Flexible Combat, CPB 4
The partisan can use their Rep as a resource for their Dual Marksmen abilities.
Critical Duelist, CPB 5
When the partisan performs a critical attack with a Dual Marksmen ability with a melee weapon they can apply a Colossal Strike affix for free.