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Coorgri are an imposing force of might and magic.  Those battle-casters come from multiple paths of power. All of these paths have a background of defensive arts as well as other skills. Just as they have multiple magical path they walk down, the coorgri also have many paths for developing their skills. The Council of Mages in Nazdell, the Order of the Blade, and the Order of St. Valyera are the most renowned places to train in the world. It is also common to find coorgri training in the world's militaries. Most coorgri discover their ability with magic during combat training or athletic activities. When a coorgri is branded as a novice their training path varies based on where they train and the type of magical path they follow.


Novices of the Council of Mages and the Order of the Blade tend to train in similar fashions. They are gathered into small classes and instructed by a single coorgri. Each class is instructed based on one of the magical paths. Students split their time between class and field studies so they can apply what they have learned. When a student moves up to the rank of gifted they receive most or all of their training in the field. They are often sent on missions with their respective counterparts from their organizations. The gifted continue on this path until they are considered masters and adopt their path title. From that point the coorgri of the Council of Mages and Order of the Blade hire out their services to those who fit their personal code.


The novices of the Order of St. Valyera are almost exclusively paladins. While they do accept some other types of coorgri they have never accepted a berserker or lich lord into the fold. Novices train on a one on one master and apprentice basis. This continues until they are considered a master themselves. Training in this method allows them to be instilled with the values of St. Valyera. As the Order of St. Valyera are best known for being places of protection and healing, the training masters are tasked with making sure their charges uphold there ideals. Like other coorgri when they become masters themselves they adopt their path as their title. Those coorgri that make it to this point take on an apprentice of their own to continue the cycle.


The novices who train amongst military services tend to train in a combination of the other's methods. Training in boot camps with others of various specialties they learn to use their abilities as part of a unit. They receive basic knowledge of their abilities in a class with the other coorgri that are currently trains as well as one on one training with a master from their path. When they graduate to the rank of gifted they are placed in their own unit and given assignments while they continue to improve their skills. Those that become masters and adopt their path title usually end up in elite tactical units or are given command in their branch of service.


The coorgri are medium armor, battle-casters that wield rune weapons. Their spells paths alter their gameplay, while their backgrounds lend to additional narrative hooks. Their rune forging makes coorgri a versatile class that can fill many party roles. Their runes are enhanced by their rage, granting bonus effects to their rune spells. Rune stacking can create limits to their abilities and without heavy armor they may require more healing when they are defending allies.




Role: Defense and Mastery Based

Species: Cojaro, Human, Vampire, Grufia, Habataki, Shaross

Professions: Explorer, Hunter, Law Enforcement, Mariner, Medic, Soldier

Suggested Attributes: Strength and Wisdom

Health: 10 + Constitution per CPB + Species Health

Starting Armor Proficient: Cloth, Leather, and Chain Mail

Starting Weapon Proficient: Two Handed Melee Weapons, Bows, and Firearms

Starting Skills: Choose a starting Combat Style and Magical Style.


Starting Equipment


Base Melee Coorgri

Armor: Cloth

Weapon(s): Two Handed Axe, Hammer, or Sword

Equipment: Clothing, 1 Day Ration, Backpack, Canteen

Tarryns: 1d20x10


Base Ranged Coorgri

Armor: Cloth

Weapon(s): Bolt Action Rifle

Equipment: Clothing 1 Day Ration, Backpack, Canteen, 25 Bullets (Rifle)

Tarryns: 1d20x10




Most coorgri are similar to the areas they train. As a result coorgri of the blade are also required to craft their own weapon by CPB 3. They are not restricted to bladed weapons however and can chose to craft bludgeoning and ranged weapons.




Rage is gained in different ways based on the coorgri's mastery. They can have rage equal to their CPB. Each rage gives them a passive effect to one of their runes, chosen when the rage is generated. Rage effects cannot be dismissed until the coorgri is out of combat.


Rune Forging is the coorgri's ability to craft runes onto their weapons and armor. The coorgri can apply a number of runes equal to their CPB to an armor. Weapons can apply a number of runes equal to their CPB to one handed weapons and double that to two handed weapons. Spell runes are usable once per round and replenish on their next turn. Runes take time to change and can only be done outside of combat.




Resurgence, Instant Ability

The coorgri can activate a depleted rune once per CPB per rest.


Enrage, Instant Ability

The coorgri activates the rage effect on a rune. Enrage is usable once per CPB per rest.


Spell Rune, Crafting Ability

The coorgri have various spell runes they can attach to their weapons or armor. Multiple of a rune can be place on an item, allowing it to be used multiple times a round.


Spell Cleave, When this rune is activated it deals weapon damage to a number of targets equal to their weapon attribute in a frontal cone within weapon range. Spell cleave's rage effect adds additional targets equal to their CPB. Spell cleave rune can be attached to either melee or ranged weapons.


Spell Shot, When this rune is activated they can deal weapon damage to a 6' radius. Spell shot's rage effect adds an additional in range spell shot per CPB. Spell shot rune can be attached to ranged weapons.


Spell Hurl, When this rune is activated they can throw their melee weapon at a target within close range dealing weapon damage and bouncing to a number of additional targets up to their CPB within close range of the previous target. Spell hurl rage effect adds an additional number of targets equal to their wisdom.


Provoke, When this rune is activated they can apply the infuriate effect to a target. Provoke can be combined with other spell runes and can be used as an attack when attached to a weapon and a reaction when attached to armor. Provoke's rage effect makes provoke a passive ability for the round when activated.


Reflex, When this rune is activated as a reaction they gain a bonus equal to their wisdom to their defender roll. Reflex's rage effect makes it a passive effect for the round when activated. Reflex can be attached to their armor.


Charging, When this rune is activated as an action on a weapon they dash up to twice their movement to attack a target. When this rune is activated as a reaction on an armor they dash up to twice their movement to defend an ally. Charging's rage effect increases their success chance by their wisdom.


Arcane Sense, Wisdom + CPB vs Difficulty 14 + 1 per target's CPB

The coorgri can sense magic from objects or beings they are within melee range of. It allows them to use an action to sense active spell buffs, spell debuffs, or spell resources when cast.


Coorgri Mastery


The masteries of the coorgri are broken into various battle-mage spell schools. Their masteries add additional runes and abilities for them to use. Coorgri masteries also determine how each type of coorgri generate their rage.


Lich Lord


The lich lord take on the horrifying visage of undeath while they take on their enemies. Lich lords are melee focused, damage dealing, defenders. They build a rage at the start of every round of combat when at least a target within close range has their fear or shadowfire on them.


Fearbringer, Passive Aura, CPB 1

Whenever the lich lord has a rage they take on the appearence of undeath. All targets within close range must make a wisdom saving throw against fear whenever they witness the lich lord performing a critical attack. Targets already under the effect of fear must make a wisdom save to make movements toward the lich lord. During fearbringer the lich lord is immune to fear.


Lich Runes, Rune Augment, CPB 1

The lich lord can alter their normal coorgri runes to have additional spell effects. Lich runes have specific runes they are able to alter. They can alter a number of runes equal to their CPB.


Fear, The lich lord can add fear to their spell cleave, spell hurl, and provoke runes. The target must make a wisdom + CPB save against the lich lord's wisdom + CPB + rage, on a failure the target treats the lich lord as if it is under the effects of their reflex rune for a round. If the fear altered rune has rage active, targets that already have fear on them will flee the lich lord for an action on a failed wisdom save.


Shadow, The lich lord can add 1d6 shadow damage to spell cleave, spell hurl, and reflex runes. If the rune has rage active the shadow altered rune adds 1d4 shadowfire damage for 3 rounds. When a shadow altered rune deals damage to a target with shadowfire, the shadow damage is increased to 2d6.


Ghostly Grasp, Consume Fear, CPB 2

The lich lord can consume a fear altered rune to cause grasping spirits to emerge from the ground against all targets within their aura. Target must make a wisdom save against the lich lords fear or be slowed for a round. If targets critical fail their wisdom save they become paralyzed until their next turn or they take damage.


Shadow Beast, Charging Rune Augment, CPB 2

The lich lord can alter a charging rune to launch a shadow beast at the target instead. A shadow beast is a canine of shadow. They will attack the target for 1d6 per rage shadow damage if their attack is successful. Shadow beasts have a single health point and use the lich lord's wisdom + CPB as their attacker and defender roll. If the rune has rage their shadow beast is composed of shadowfire and deals 1d4 shadowfire damage for 3 rounds. Any remaining shadow beasts will be dismissed out of combat.


Life Siphon, Consume Shadow, CPB 3

The lich lord can consume a shadow altered rune to deal a melee attack that heals the lich lord for the damage they deal. If the target has the shadowfire effect on it, they gain bonus healing equal to the shadowfire damage.


Purgatory, Passive Ability, CPB 4

Whenever the lich lord has rage they are harder to kill. They have negative health point equal to their wisdom times their rage. Lich lords will refuse to die unless they lose their negative HP or they have remaining negative HP at the end of their next turn. This effect can happen once per CPB per rest.


Soul Shatter, Consume Raging Rune, CPB 5

The lich lord can consume an active raging rune to cast Soul Shatter on a target with fear or shadowfire. Soul Shatter weakens targets to magic until the start of the lich lord's next turn making all magical attacks against the target be critical.




The berserkers are masters of heat manipulation and enhancement magic. They are nearly impossible to kill with direct assaults and can deal massive fire damage. They genarate a rage every time they take 10 damage.


Heat Manipulation, Passive Aura, CPB 1

While they have rage, the berserker's runes can be used to create or spend an additional resource, Burning Embers or BE. Burning Embers can be held and spent equal to their rage. If the berserker has any BE at the start of their turn they take 1d4 fire damage.


Absorb Heat, The berserker can leech the heat from targets when they use a rune dealing 1d4 ice damage + creating a BE.


Raging Flame, The berserker can add 1d8 fire damage per BE to an attack. Raging Flame can be stacked into one attack or divided amongst available targets.


Chaos of the Berserker, Passive Ability, CPB 1

While the berserker has rage they become physically enhanced. Their movement range and defender rolls are increased by their wisdom per rage stack.


Inferno Dash, Consume 2 BE, CPB 2

When the berserker uses a charging rune they can spend 2 BE to become pure fire, dealing damage to all targets they pass through. Their damage is doubled against any targets that have a fire ignite on them.


Chaotic Strike, Passive Ability, CPB 2

When the berserker performs a critical weapon attack they roll 1d4 to determine a random bonus effect.


Stun, On a 1 they stun their target for an action.


Knockdown, On a 2 they knock their target prone.


Stagger, On a 3 they stagger their target for the next action.


Expose, On a 4 they ignore an amount of their target's armor equal to their wisdom.


Flash Freeze, Passive Ability, CPB 3

When the berserker uses absorb heat on a target with an active fire DoT, they can choose to paralyze the target instead of generating a BE.


Ring of Fire, Consume 3 BE, CPB 4

The berserker creates a ring of fire 10' from self for a round. Any target within the ring or passing across the ring gains the critical fire damage effect.


Unshackled Chaos, Passive Ability, CPB 5

When the berserker has full rage they become resistant to fire damage equal to their wisdom times rage. They also gain their chaotic strike when they critical with their raging runes.




The coorgri of the storm are melee focused defenders and disablers. The storm gains a rage every round they apply a status effect to a target.


Tempest Runes, Rune Augment, CPB 1

The storm can alter their normal coorgri runes with elemental magic. Each rune can be attached to the Spell Cleave, Spell Hurl, Reflex, and Provoke runes. They can alter a number of runes equal to their CPB.


Water, The storm can add +1d6 water damage to their rune. On a critical strike the water rune soaks a target. Targets with the soak status are staggered when struck with another water rune.


Wind, The storm can add +1d6 air damage to their rune. On a critical strike the air rune knocks the target prone. Targets that are prone are pushed backward on an additional air critical.


Storm Cloud, Passive Ability, CPB 1

The storm gains a 6' aura around self per rage, that creates a charged storm zone. The storm can cast reflex and provoke tempest runes to targets at range within their Storm Cloud.


Cyclone, Consume Air, CPB 2

The storm can strike a target within their Storm Cloud with a cyclone that moves the target 1' per Wisdom + CPB. They can also use an Air Reflex rune to give them a bonus defender roll against spells and projectiles equal to their Wisdom.


Rising Storm, Consume Air or Water Rune, CPB 2

The storm is able to use an Air rune to cast lightning damage and Water rune to cast ice damage to a target within their Storm Cloud instead. Lightning critical attacks stun for 1 APR and ice critical attacks slow a target for a round. Rising Storm costs an additional action to cast.


Storm Dragon, Spell Hurl Augment, CPB 3

The storm can alter a spell hurl rune to launch an elemental dragon instead. The dragon deals 1d6 spell damage per rage with an air or water rune. They can use Rising Storm with their Storm Dragon when the first target is within their Storm Cloud.


Tempest's Fury, Passive Ability, CPB 4

The storm gains passive bonuses when they rage with their Tempest Runes. Each air rune active gives the coorgri a flight speed equal to two movements. Each water rune active gives the coorgri a defense against the soak status equal to their Wisdom. With two matching runes raging, the coorgri can ignore the Rising Storm action cost for that rune. At full tempest rage the coorgri reduces all spell damage from air, lightning, water, and ice by their Wisdom times rage.


Storm Surge, Instant Ability, CPB 5

The storm has the ability to turn a successful rune strike into a critical hit once per CPB per rest.




The paladins are the coorgri of light and life. They focus their abilities on magical defense and healing through the power of the light. They gain their rage by uses their Templar's Seal abilities.


Templar's Seal, Resource Generator, CPB 1

The paladin can add light to their provoke and reflex runes to generate their Templar's Seal or TS. When used with a weapon they use the light to deal 1d6 light damage and when used with armor they absorb 1d6 damage. Every 6 points of damage dealt or absorbed by this ability generates a TS. TS can be stored up to their wisdom + CPB and can be spent up to their CPB on other paladin abilities. TS fades out of combat.


Seal of Light, Wisdom + CPB vs Difficulty 14, 1 TS, Close Range, CPB 1

The paladin uses an action or reaction with their Templar's Seals to cast various abilities with the light.


Healing Light, The paladin deals 1d4 heal per TS to a target for 1 TS.


Cleansing Light, The paladin can remove a status effect per TS from a target.


Blinding Light, The paladin can cast a light on an ally to increase their next defender roll by 1d4 per TS.


Smite, The paladin can cast 1d4 light damage per TS into a target after a successful attack.


Bless, Seal of Light Ability, 1 TS, CPB 2

The paladin can use their Templar's Seals to give an ally a 1d4 bonus to a chosen roll. When cast with additional TS the bonus die is increased by 1d4 per TS.


Bulwark of the Light, Passive Aura, CPB 2

Whenever the paladin gains a rage altered rune, their defense to magical attacks is increased. They gain +1 per rage to their defender rolls against spells and absorb spell damage equal to their Wisdom per rage.


Dawning Light, Seal of Light Ability, 2 TS, CPB 3

The paladin can resurrect a fallen ally with 1d4 health. The healing of Dawning Light can be increased by an additional 1d4 health per additional TS. The paladin can use Dawning Light once daily per CPB.


Beacon of Light, Passive Ability, CPB 4

Whenever the paladin perform a critical with a Seal of Light ability it costs no TS and casts as if it used TS equal to active rage.


Lay on Hands, Instant Ability, CPB 5

When the paladin has five active raging runes, they can touch a target and fully heal them. They can use this ability once per rest per CPB.




The coorgri that train to be juggernauts build up power as they move. Juggernauts rush and bash their enemies around. They gain a rage every round they use a movement rune.


Shield Runes, Passive Ability, CPB 1

The juggernaut is able to put weapon or armor runes onto a shield. For runes that can be used on either weapons or armor the juggernaut can choose which use of the rune they cast when used.


Unstoppable Force, Charging Rune Augment, CPB 1

The juggernaut can alter their Charging runes to push targets they impact. Unstoppable Force increases the movement range of Charging by their Wisdom per rage. Pushing targets take 2' movement per target and dealing 1d6 physical damage on impact per 6' moved. Unstoppable Force can be applied to a rune per CPB. When an Unstoppable Force rune is rage activated, their pushing movement is no longer reduced and they knock targets prone on critical hit.


Shackle, Spell Hurl Augment, Close Range, CPB 2

The juggernaut can alter a Spell Hurl rune to shackle a target to a location. A shackled target can act but they cannot move. When Shackle is rage active it can be cast on used to cast Charging, Spell Hurl, and Pinball on the shackle. Shackled targets are knocked prone when moved. Shackles disappear when a target is moved or at the start of the juggernaut's next turn.


Momentum, Passive Aura, CPB 2

Whenever the juggernaut uses a charging rune or takes movement actions, they gain temporary armor equal to the feet traveled. Juggernaut's temporary armor are taken before their regular soak rate.


Spiritual Object, Instant Ability, CPB 3

The juggernaut can summon an object of spiritual energy that deals slashing, bludgeoning, or piercing damage. They can have one Spiritual Object active at a time and it must maintain being within medium range of the paladin. They can only create or change one Spiritual Object per round. Spiritual Objects can have Charging or Pinball runes cast on them.


Pinball, Spell Hurl Augment, CPB 4

The juggernaut can alter a Spell Hurl rune on a piece of armor or shield. Pinball changes their Spell Hurl into a series of charges, dealing damage to each target hit. When used on self the distance of Pinball is added to your Momentum.


Amplify, Instant Ability, CPB 5

When the juggernaut has full rage active runes they can Amplify one rune that is not raging per CPB per rest. When they Amplify a rune it casts as if the rune is raging for one action.




Coorgri that learn the arts of the astromancer control gravity and time. They control the battlefield with ranged attacks and teleports. The astromancer gain a rage every round that they successfully apply a Temporal Signature.


Displacement Field, Passive Aura, CPB 1

When the astromancer gains a raging rage they create a 20' Displacement Field around self. Displacement Field allows them to cast their runes within the field.


Temporal Signature, Wisdom + CPB vs Varies, CPB 1

When the astromancer successfully uses a Spell Shot, Provoke, or Reflex rune on a target they can use an action to apply Temporal Signature to the target. Temporal Signature gives your allies bonuses against the target. The astromancer can have a Temporal Signature active per CPB and one must be dismissed to cast an additional one.


Gravity Well, The astromancer applies their Gravity Well against their target's Strength + CPB when they try to move. If the target fails they cannot move until they break free or the astromancer releases the lock. While Gravity Well is active they are 1d4 easier to attack. On a critical, Gravity Well also effects the target's ability to attack.


Temporal Loop, The astromancer applies their Temporal Loop against their target's Intelligence + CPB when they try to exit the loop. If the target fails they are tethered to a location and if they travel 10' from their tether location they will reemerge at the point of their tethered location. Any melee target adjacent to the tether location can attack the target when they reemerge. On a critical, the tether actives at 6'.


Reverse Gravity, The astromancer applies their Reverse Gravity against their target's Dexterity + CPB upon casting. If the target fails they take are jerked 1d4 6' movements either into the air or toward the ground, the opposite position from where they started. Targets on impact take 1d6 physical damage per movement, bypassing armor soak. Targets thrown into the air make a second Dexterity roll when coming back down, that may be less if they had impacted a surface on the way up. On a critical, the movement is increased to 2d4.


Stasis, The astromancer applies their Stasis against their target's Wisdom + CPB up casting. If the target fails they are locked in time for a round. While in Stasis the target cannot take any actions or have any actions effect them. On a critical, Stasis spreads to any target that touches the locked target.


Wormhole, Charging Rune Augment, CPB 2

The astromancer can alter their Charging runes to apply them to a ranged weapon. A Wormhole rune moves a target instantly, teleporting it up to the Charging rune's distance away. If the rune is rage active it can be used to swap 2 targets to the other's loaction.


Negate, Reflex Rune Augment, CPB 2

The astromancer can alter a Reflex rune to distort time within their Displacement Field as a reaction. Negate makes the last taken action not happen, their target's action and any resource used are expended.


Paradox, Instant Ability, CPB 3

The astromancer can create a copy of them within their Displacement Field. When the Paradox is cast, both it and them are teleported to random places within the Displacement Field. The astromancer splits up to half their health into the Paradox and take movements at the same time. The astromancer can use the Paradox as a casting point for any of their runes or attacks actions. The astromancer can only have one Paradox at a time active. They can consume the Paradox to regain whatever health it has remaining any round after creation. While split the astromancer's maximum health is lowered by the maximum health of the Paradox, returning to normal a round after being consumed or defeated.


Temporal Shift, Instant Ability, CPB 4

The astromancer can shift their Displacement Field to a different central point, allowing them to move around without moing their field. If they are knocked out of their field they are teleported back to the center. All melee targets can gain a free attack on the astromancer it they are teleported to center.


Temporal Anomally, Instant Ability, CPB 5

The astromancer can create a 10' zone within their Displacement Field for a round that applies a Temporal Signature to all targets within the anomally. They can use this ability once per CPB per rest.

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