The ablarannu are a kind of jellyfish. They float along near the surface of the water catching whatever passes through their stingers. The Carnia Corporation has a breeding ground for ablarannu on the coastline near Gnottaut. The ablarannu stinger whips are considered a delicacy in Grogagon.
Hp: 12, Def: -5, Soak: 0, Move: Land 0/Water 6', APR: 2, CPB: 1, Frequency: Common, Quantity: 2-10
Str: -6, Dex: -5, Cha: -7, Int: -6, Wis: -6, Con: -4
Treasure: Ablarannu Stinger (Can be used as a substitute for Coracki Venom Sacks.)
Stinger Whips, +3 vs Defender
The ablarannu can strike a melee ranged target dealing 1d4 + 4 toxin damage for 3 rounds. Critical stinger whips deal a triple strike to the target. This attack bypasses armor soak.
Resistances, Passive Ability
The ablarannu have a weakness to fire and taken double damage from fire. They also have an immunity to toxin damage.
Ablarannu Net, Passive Ability
When the ablarannu are grouped together they form a field that spreads their damage across the entire area dealing damage to all targets in the field. Each ablarannu attacks separately.
The buecassid are often used by vampires as attack guards. Because of their skin these flying reptiles are often mistaken for statues giving them the element of surprise. Buecassid can remain motionless for hours at a time and those that use them often have many fake statues around them to help them blend in. They are extremely loyal to those that keep them and remember their scents long after they have seen them. In the cities of industry they are commonly found hunting pests.
Hp: 14, Def: +5, Soak: 3, Move: Land 6'/Water 4'/Flight 10', APR: 2, CPB: 1 Frequency: Common, Quantity: 1-7
Str: +2, Dex: +3, Cha: -2, Int: +1, Wis: 0, Con: 0
Skill Rolls: Sense (+1)
Treasure: Stone Hide
Bite, +3 vs Defender
The buecassid can bite a melee target dealing 2d6 damage. Critical Bite causes 1d4 energy damage for 3 rounds from radiation exposure.
Claw, +3 vs Defender
The buecassid can claw a melee target for 2d6 damage. Critical Claw causes 1d4 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.
Energy Beam, +2 vs Defender, Once per Round
The buecassid can deal 1d12 damage to a medium ranged target. Critical Energy Beam causes 1d4 energy damage for 3 rounds from radiation burns.
Resistances, Passive Ability
The buecassid are thrown off by wind attacks and are knocked out of the sky taking fall damage if they fail a dexterity roll vs damage taken. They are also immune to paralyzing spells and ability.
The callissian live completely in the space colonies. They are able to live in a vacuum without oxygen for an hour. The callissian are found in every department in the colonies from management to service techs. The environmental conditions of the planet were found to be poisonous to them so they worked to create the first of the colonies and moved themselves onto it. Desiring more wealth for the colonies they honor deals to the highest bidders only.
Hp: 28, Def: +3, Soak: 15, Move: Land 4'/Water 4', APR: 3, CPB: 2, Frequency: Common, Quantity: 1-5
Str: +4, Dex: +2, Cha: +1, Int: +2, Wis: +1, Con: +4
Skill Rolls: Technology, Maintenance, Language, Sense (+2), Bartering (+2)
Strike, +6 vs Defender
The callissian can strike a melee ranged target dealing 2d8 damage.
MX-7, +4 vs Defender
The callissian can shot a medium ranged target dealing 2d4 damage. Burst fire setting fires 4 shots at a decreasing difficulty 0, -2, -4, and -6.
Callissian Precision, Passive Ability
The callissian gain +1 critical bonus on ranged attacks for every callisian within weapon range of the target.
The digidians are a technologically adapt species. They are often employed as repairmen throughout the cities. Those that are warriors carry yingvig whips, a traditional weapon of their people. It takes them years to tame the living whips. Many young training warriors lose their lives to the yingvig plant while trying to gain its deadly coiled blossom. The digidians have townships within the outer edges of the Saloothian Forest near the growing places of the yingvig.
Hp: 44, Def: +2, Soak: 9, Move: Land 6'/Water 4', APR: 5, CPB: 4, Frequency: Common, Quantity: 1-6
Str: +2, Dex: 0, Cha: +1, Int: +3, Wis: +1, Con: +1
Skill Rolls: Bartering (+2), Sense (+2), Technology, Maintenance
Treasure: Yingvig Whip
Strike, +6 vs Defender
The digidian can strike a target dealing 2d6 damage.
Yingvig Whip, +6 vs Defender
The digidian uses mental controls to get the yingvig whip to strike a close ranged target dealing 2d8 + 2d4 damage. Critical whip strikes bypass armor soak and cause 1d4 toxin damage for 3 rounds.
Spirit Wave, +6 vs Defender, Once per Round
The digidian can unleash a wave of spirit energy 3d6 + 12 damage.
Elevate, Instant Ability, Once per Battle
The digidian can buff self to gain +2 attacker/defender rolls for round.
The gaffi are a mainstay of the Coorvassi Guard patrols. They are bipedal and very fast, able to move as swiftly as most ground transports. The gaffi tend to flock together and as such the guard patrol tend to be the size of a flock too. Gaffi steeds tend to think of their riders as members of the flock and quickly come to their defense. Wild gaffi can be found running around the grasslands of Coorvassi.
Hp: 27, Def: +4, Soak: 12, Move: Land 16'/Water 4', APR: 4, CPB: 3, Frequency: Common, Quantity: 3-12
Str: +2, Dex: +3, Cha: -1, Int: +1, Wis: +1, Con: -3
Skill Rolls: Sense (+1d4+3), Athletics (+1d4+3)
Bite, +4 vs Defender
The gaffi can bite a melee target dealing 2d8 damage. Critical bites cause 1d4 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.
Claw, +4 vs Defender
The gaffi can claw a melee target dealing 2d6 damage. Critical claws cause 1d4 for 3 rounds.
Mount, Passive Ability
The gaffi is commonly used as a riding mount that allows the rider to travel 30’ per movement.
A giant saurian, the ichi roam the grasslands on constant feeding rounds. Gathered in family clusters the adults fiercely protect the children. Their axe shaped snouts can cut the earth and cleave flesh. The ichi lay one egg at a time and carry it in their body until just before birth. This allows them to keep traveling and not have to stop for long periods of time.
Hp: 55, Def: -3, Soak: 22, Move: Land 12'/Water 12', APR: 4, CPB: 3, Frequency: Common, Quantity: 1-10
Str: +4, Dex: -3, Cha: +1, Int: 0, Wis: +1, Con: +4
Treasure: Ichi Hide, Ichi Meat
Axe Head, +9 vs Defender
The ichi can slash a close ranged target dealing 6d12 damage. Critical Axe Head causes 1d4 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.
Tail Whip, +9 vs Defender
The ichi can strike a close ranged target dealing 3d10 damage. Critical tail whips cause knockdown to the target.
Stomp, +9 vs Defender
The ichi can rear back and slam down causing a 10’ radius around self, dealing 3d6 earth damage. Critical stomp causes knockdown.
The insectoid vacucree are skilled tradesmen and very creative. Vacucree gunsmiths make some of the finest firearms on the planet. Rarely found in the wild they reside mostly in cities and villages. They tend not to travel very much, preferring to plant their feet and stay there.
Hp: 12, Def: +4, Soak: 3, Move: Land 6'/Water 2', APR: 2, CPB: 2, Frequency: Common, Quantity: 1-6
Str: -4, Dex: +2, Cha: +2, Int: +1, Wis: +2, Con: +3
Skill Rolls: Bartering (+2), Maintenance, Language, Sense (+2)
Bite, -4 vs Defender
The vacucree can bite a melee target dealing 1d4 damage.
Semi-Automatic Pistol, +5 vs Defender
The vacucree can shot a medium ranged target dealing 2d6 damage.
Zombies are the reactivated bodies of the dead. The land of Le’varia is cursed and those that live there must deal with the dead rising. They wonder the desert of Le’varia in nomadic tribes that usually range between 4 to 20 of the undead. In lost towns there can be hundreds lurking around in and out of buildings. Hunters claim the heads of zombies they’ve killed to turn in at the borders for rewards. This basic zombie is also referred to as a ghoul.
Hp: 8, Def: +1, Soak: 0, Move: Land 4'/Water 2', APR: 2, CPB: 1, Frequency: Common, Quantity: 1-200
Str: +2, Dex: +1, Cha: -5, Int: -5, Wis: -7, Con: +2
Skill Rolls: Sense (+1)
Treasure: Zombie Head
Scratch, +4 vs Defender
The zombie can scratch a melee target dealing 2d4 damage. Critical Scratch grabs and gives an instant Bite with +5 bonus to attacker roll.
Bite, -2 vs Defender
The zombie can bite a melee target for 1d6 damage. Critical Bite causes the target to gain the undead plague giving it 3 rounds to be cured before it becomes a zombie.
Herd, Passive Ability
When zombies mass on a target they become tougher opponents. They gain +1 attacker bonus for every zombie linked by 6', move as one, and damage is combined.